I thought for awhile that SOPA was a singular word for SOPAS – a chicken soup recipe with macaroni elbows.
domain names
Latest Deals on Namecheap
This is a follow-up deal I made earlier in the previous post and I’m calling out there would be bloggers, soon-to-be bloggers, domain investors to digg in this great savings opportunity!
Namecheap Deals: $1.99 Domain Registration
Namecheap – the domain name registration company that offers most affordable domain names in the industry is offering $1.99 domain registrations on .com .net and .org.
Godaddy Deals: $1.18 Domain Sale
Godaddy is offering another domain sale for only $1.18! SPECIAL OFFER! $1.00* DOMAIN NAME! Register any available .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK and .IN domain for just $1.00!*Applies to the first year only of new registrations. This offer may not be used for renewals, bulk registrations, transfers, premium domains or Sunrise/Landrush domain […]
30% OFF on Domain Names
GoDaddy is offering 30% OFF on regular prices on domains like .COM .NET .ORG .BIZ and .US. This offer will expire soon on July 13, 2011.
Determine the age of your domain
Now you’re wondering why your still stuck with Google Pagerank 3? – There’s a web tool that’s used to determine the domain age of any site – we all know that Google use this as ranking factor for well established sites.