A few bytes ago I’ve signed up for a web hosting search tool and was looking for unbiased review coming from users making a say on their hosting companies. This is the place you should go when wanting to know what keeps every blog and websites ticks. Talk about Zero O Downtime.. Sheesh!
These are technical issues that some hosting companies don’t tell you about whats going on with your blog – I have a couple if not a few of that under my belt going through with those painful downtimes.
Here we go: Who is Hosting This offers free service of discovering what hosting service you’re using right now and coming straight from the results shows you a review of your hoster if its performing well or not.
From there, you can use that as benchmark or base your decision, once you make up your mind on trasferring hosts. Once youre signed in you can also make your own review based on your experience with your “again” previous hoster – Isn’t that unbiased?
Tip: Once you’ll get approved, your review will posted, plus you’ll get webmaster freebies promoting your site, Isn’t that great?
Image Credits:
Pulse Media Solutions
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