Safe Davao QR Individual Registration is up now and ready to serve!
Right after the QR Code pilot testing for Davao City last October 25, 2020, the City Government of Davao released it on October 31, 2020.
The system has over-reached its peak threshold Upon its release on the first week of November 2020, users from Davao Region flocked the old version on its register page and caused a massive outage thereby causing worries, baffling security concerns from the web experts, and dismay among netizens.
To address these concerns related to security and data privacy issues, the City Government relaunched a better contact tracing system between the second and third week of November enough spare time for citizens to beat the deadline!
- Davao City launches contact tracing system.
- Safe Davao QR Registration extended.
- 13 contact tracing apps to register in Region 11.
Safe Davao QR Individual Registration steps below:
On your Desktop Windows 10 PC or Android Smartphone web browser, we recommend Google Chrome, type in the URL address bar:
Desktop Windows 10 PC/Laptop
Android Smartphone
Below the “I’d like to register as an” text, click the Individual button, a message screen will popup “Are you ready?”
“Welcome to SafeDavaoQR” read all important instructions before you proceed and click the green button below the lower right corner I’m Ready.
You’ll be redirected to the Registration for Individual, fill-up basic and requested information like; Basic Information, and Address and click Next >
Upload the latest photo from your mobile phone and follow a prescribed pose format, Tick/Click I’m not a robot anti-spam captcha button.
Review all data entries and details click ALL CORRECT
Click “Send OTP Now” (OTP-One Time Password) via SMS text message over your mobile phone number for verification. The verification will last for about 10 minutes, wait for it to arrive.
When you receive your OTP, copy and paste it on the field then Click SUBMIT.
Your SafeDavao QR Code ID will be automatically generated.
Download the QR Code ID and save it in PNG or PDF formats.
In other options, send it over your email as backup copies.
Follow STEP 1, and Click Login for Individuals.
Provide your 9-Digits unique QR Code text sent earlier through OTP, Mobile Number, and Date of birth and Login
Your permanent and unique QR Code is private and confidential.
Don’t share and post it on social media or any other public means to prevent/avoid data/identity theft.
If you’re not satisfied with your photo, use the Edit Photos feature, re-upload a new photo and you’re done.
We’re all happy about all the improvements in terms of security changes it has undergone lately and never forgot to include privacy policy adhering to the data privacy act.
It has been migrated to a faster hosting service with a new domain name and SSL certificate that’s world class!
There’s an issue on the PDF format, the Davao QR ID has plenty of white space. It’s like an ID placed on a sheet of blank paper.
The PNG Format on the other hand has a meager resolution measuring 218 x 329 pixels. I wonder if the scanner will be able to read, and detect minute details? How about the ID is printed and laminated in hard copy?
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